Tuesday 30 December 2014

The Black Knights – General MMA with Cannoneers

Adventure Info:
Player Level: 42+
Difficulty: 9/10
Number of Players: 3
Duration: 8 days
XP: 28.175 

A claim of sovereignty has arrived at your castle. Hector the Black and his brother Barnabas demand a whole mountain range as their new territory. They have already secretly built black castles and recruited numerous men to defend them. What will you do? Allow this treason to happen? Or will you put an end to this claim once and for all?

This is combat guide for adventure The Black Knights, guide for General MMA with Cannoneers
~ ~ Important! ~ ~ We use only General MMA for all camps

 Required units: 1205 Recruit, 49 Militia, 1 Elite Soldier, 80 Cavalry (or 200 Cavalry), 135 Cannoneer

Position 1
1. 49 Militia, 71 Cavalry, 100 Cannoneer (losses 49 Militia)
 2. To attack a camp 2, we need to send General to the camp 3. General change the target and destroys the camp 2, after winning the battle withdraw the General.
2. 100 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 199 Cannoneer (losses 100 Recruit)
3. 108 Recruit, 112 Cannoneer (losses 108 Recruit)
Position 2
4. 97 Recruit, 123 Cannoneer (losses 97 Recruit)
5. 108 Recruit, 112 Cannoneer (losses 108 Recruit)
Position 3
6. 49 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 50 Cavalry, 120 Cannoneer (losses 49 Recruit)
7. 113 Recruit, 107 Cannoneer (losses 113 Recruit)
Position 4
8. 108 Recruit, 112 Cannoneer (losses 108 Recruit)
Position 5
9. 67 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 50 Cavalry, 102 Cannoneer (losses 67 Recruit)
Position 6
10. 65 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 80 Cavalry, 74 Cannoneer (losses 64 Recruit)
11. 121 Recruit,  99 Cannoneer (losses 121 Recruit)
12. 82 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 50 Cavalry, 87 Cannoneer (losses 82 Recruit)
13. 82 Recruit, 30 Cavalry, 108 Cannoneer (losses 82 Recruit)
14. 85 Recruit, 135 Cannoneer (losses 85 Recruit)
Total losses:  1205R, 49M

Possible loot:

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